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Know the nine fur care and maintenance tips

Fur is one of nature has given us the most perfect and luxurious materials , its greatest charm lies timeless. Learn to heart care fur, a long long time to bloom beauty.
1 . To keep clean. Wear leather clothing to try to keep it clean , if dust and dirt -stained clothes , should be promptly wiped .

2 . Escape the rain . Fur coat for your health, it rains or snows had to reluctantly part with you , let it take to stay in the closet bar.

3 . Avoid backpack. When wearing fur clothing to avoid backpack, be sure to back if that package is also not too heavy , so pack belt and fur friction damage.

4 . Carefully comb. Regardless of whether the messy fur , please do not use your fingers or a comb to comb fur ordinary hair pin, which is likely to lead to a lot of hair loss . Be sure to use the special brush for combing fur .

5 . Avoid chemicals. If you want to wear perfume or hair spray , be sure to avoid leather clothing, because these products are combined with alcohol , easy to make fur hair shaft harden.

6 . Modification is strictly prohibited . Do not attempt DIY, sewing fur on the nails any accessories, including brooches, because you will probably hook to wear fur .

7 . Dust and dust. After each wearing leather , you can beat shake to remove dust , then put dust jacket cover .

8 . Dark suspension . Do not recommend you always wear the same one leather, because they need a rest period to recover cortex flexibility. Usually kept at home, hang , hanging on to avoid overly bright place , because the light will fur oxidation or discoloration.

9 . In addition to dusting , but you can also use a hot towel wrung some time to wipe the wearing of fur , fur rubbing direction we must follow the direction of wipe ventilation after suspension, and then use the vine shoot gently tap it to re- fluffy together .

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