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Identification of fur and leather products superiority and inferiority of several major essentials

True and false fur is nothing more than the difference between artificial and natural hair , it is simple to see with the naked eye can be seen. So I still speak a little fur products were good and times difference.

Fur products are generally divided into the fur and fur clothing . Fur clothes, good times depend largely on the use of materials with the general fur clothing materials include: hare ( rabbit ) , Rex fox mink, which is best mink , fox , followed by Rex badly fox , hare most times .

Second, look at the overall appearance of clothes

A fur clothes are generally required to use two or more of the fur , but when it is in the production of fur needs to be spliced into more pieces . Good clothes used fur ( including the hair length , hair color , hair density ) basically almost the same, but not small place between the splice obvious. On the contrary, the clothes are not doing bad hair length is inconsistent , that is, a shallow depth of a coat , or that hair density and low ranges , and even stitching place obviously broken cross .

Fur clothing including tops, fur collar , cuffs , placket and so on. Distinguish these costumes with good times people are generally garment factory procurement staff . The difference between good and sub- coat color , hair length , hair density , etc. , the length depends on the width of the skin panels did not meet procurement requirements ( because some manufacturers see more dense hair when he will cut corners ) .

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